 author 	= {Dong, Yuzhu and Aristidou, Andreas and Shamir, Ariel and Mahler, Moshe and Jain, Eakta},
 title 		= {Adult2Child: Motion Style Transfer using CycleGANs},
 booktitle 	= {Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction, and Games},
 series 	= {MIG '20},
 year 		= {2020},
 isbn 		= {},
 location 	= {Charleston, South Carolina, USA},
 pages 		= {1--11},
 articleno 	= {},
 numpages 	= {11},
 url 		= {https://doi.org/10.1145/3424636.3426909},
 doi 		= {10.1145/3424636.3426909},
 acmid 		= {},
 publisher 	= {Association for Computing Machinery},
 address 	= {New York, NY, USA},